
I am an IB student currently studying my second term at Trondheim Cathedral school in Norway. Biology is a subject that has intrigued me for a long time, but because of subject requirements for university, I have not been able to attend the biology course myself. However, I have self-studied the subject in my free time as a project ever since I got my hands on a textbook. This website contains my thoughts and experiences, as well as points for revision and my own explanations of concepts which I find central. Additionally, I have linked helpful videos and resources after each topic. The purpose of this website is to make learning easier for future readers, as well as hopefully being an interesting read. I hope you appreciate the website as I have put a lot of work into it. The book I am studying is the Pearson higher level biology book second edition, but the information on this website applies to all IB biology courses, as they follow the same curriculum.

Please note that this website is not trying to replace the book by any means. All the content is written by myself and it is purely to help future readers with learning the subject.

Trondheim katedralskole